General resources & events
General information about COVID-19 for you and the clients you serve, including websites and information (in multiple languages) and links to various online events, including webinars and online fora.
Online events
There are a number of online events and webinars on COVID-19 and refugees, including its impact on immigration detention and legal aid providers.
Impact on refugee legal aid
Online webinars organised by Asylum Access to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on legal advocacy, including legal aid as well as advocacy on refugee law and policy.
April 9, 16, and 23
0500 GMT / UTC
Details t.b.c.
General information about COVID-19
The following are a list of websites:
World Health Organisation:
‘COVID-19’ General information:
‘COVID-19 Events As They Happen’:
Centre for Disease Control (USA) COVID-19 General information:
Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre:
Imperial College London MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis on COVID-19:
Key websites with COVID-19 resources:
UNHCR RefWorld: COVID-19
UNHCR Live-blog: Refugees in the COVID-19 crisis
International Council of Voluntary Agencies: COVID-19 Resources
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) [the highest-level humanitarian coordination forum in the UN]: COVID-19 Outbreak Readiness and Response
Global Protection Cluster [a UN network of protection actors in humanitarian crises]: Protection and COVID-19
CIVICUS: Resources for civil society in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic
International Centre for Not for Profit Law (ICNL): Coronavirus and Civic Space
Information about COVID-19 in multiple languages
The following public health information on COVID-19 has been translated into a range of languages.
Note that some of this guidance, depending on its source, makes reference to local / national processes and policies.
Centre for Disease Control, General advice about coronavirus: